Would you mind taking a few minutes of your time to read the next one properly?

The death of the American George Floyd has uneased many people of all races and origins worldwide. His death is, of course, a sad thing that should have been prevented. The voices for equal treatment became louder all over the world, and there were also contradictions everywhere. It is good that people express their opinions and give their own interpretation of historical facts (and fables), but this ignores the countless people who 'fall between shore and ship' when it comes to the colour of their skin.

As the mother of two beautiful men who are neither white nor black, I see up close how it touches them when they have to prove themselves more and more, it is always made clear to them that their skin color is different and they have to explain again and again (or even have to prove regularly) that they are Dutch citizens. People who do not know them often have their (pre-) judgment ready: they must be low-educated and criminal scum that does nothing but take advantage of everything our frogland has to offer them. However, both are very highly educated and have responsible jobs. So what do they do with statements like: just go back to your own country when you're on? After all, they were born here, raised and pay their taxes nicely here. In short: they are two wonderful people who absolutely contribute to our society and therefore deserve respect.

So I'd like to ask you a little favor. Regardless of whether you are in favour of Black Piet or are keen on the black lives matter movement, think sincerely about the situation outlined above. Hopefully, as a proud mommy of these two great ones (and also of a real blonde cheese head), I will open your eyes and you will only consider other persons, regardless of their race, gender, orientation, religion, origin or anything else, as human beings. Often advantages are nowhere raised, but they do hurt a lot.

Thank you for reading, and sharing these thoughts with others (if you dare) is of course sweet.

#discriminatie #rascism #alllivematters

Neither black nor white