
Just "being as You are" is reason enough for You to smile!
Smile while you play, while you dance in the rhythm of the raindrops. Smile while You're breathing.
Smile as You are hurting knowing the healing lies in humor, compassion, and acceptance.
Smile because You can see how much You are loved and needed in this world.

Smile because while You are smiling, You are an ambassador of goodwill and light on the Earth. One simple smile can't resolve the wars, but can bring some hope and support in various moments :)

I love to watch how my smile changes the expressions on people's faces - it's interesting eye contact with someone who looks like an angry smurf - he or she does not have any other option than smile back rather than being in their not-so-happy place in mind. When that person smile, that makes me smile even more, because I know my smile brake his painful pattern just for a moment, just for a bit of a second, he or she smiled to a stranger without a reason :D

Tell me, what makes you smile?

Smile more and everything will be much easier.

Scenciurosly Yours,
Child of Nature

What makes you smile?

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