“Mr. has a chronic brain cell deficiency.'
“You're not supposed to say that! Good morning, by the way.'
'Yes, hello and hello. But say for yourself, what would you do if you enter the class room and you're told you can go home again because it's the third time in a row that you come up last.? Instead of being grateful for sacrificing myself for the ungrateful task of fencing shutter, I'm being chafed out.'
'That's annoying, but no reason to question his brain capacity.'
'Oh, but that's not all.'
“Mr. also asked me if I had sleep deprivation, given dark circles under my eyes.'
'Simple concern, nothing wrong with.'
'But circles? Come on, like I have laps under my eyes. Red light district, they call it.'
“You're right: brain cell deficiency.'


Image of chenspec via Pixabay

Flake over the gate shutter with circles that are not circles