#Roos On the way to the supermarket I got a call yesterday from Tania telling me to bring peonies for her.


Because I just have to pick up a package and now I also have to go to the florist.

In retrospect, it turns out to be a hint that we've been married for 11 years today.

This hint goes completely past me, of course.
But I do nicely what my wife asks of me so I with package and already to the florist.

There I stare around among the peonies and seem to stand in the way of the ordinary roses.
A somewhat morbid gentleman wants to join the supply. I can tell from him that he does it more often.

That is true because all roses are rejected because they are smaller than normal.
There appears to be another supply arriving today, so he'll come back later in the day for a better rose.

I say it must be a very special person if you drive a rose to the florist twice a day.

He does not hear me very well and I also notice that it is not perceived as funny at all.
I'm going through that more, by the way. I talk too much, and then you miss.

The florist knows to tell me that for 20 years he has come to buy a rose every Friday to lay on his wife's grave.

Maybe I should put that wedding day in my calendar before one of us is buying roses, too.

Many years to dushi!

These roses are too small! I'll come back this afternoon.