Last week I had already visited the general practitioner, among other things for the bulge under my left knee.
After that conversation I still sat down with some questions and therefore initially made a telephone appointment.
From the weekend, however, again suffered from my right jaw. This bothers me every once in a while, but every time I think I make an appointment... you guess it won't bother me anymore. But now still, so immediately called and indicated that the telephone appointment could expire and the assistant made a double appointment of it.
The nerve of my jaw is overloaded (neuropraxia). I can't touch it anymore, and I did, because you want to know what it is. As a result, the nerve gets even more stimulated. If I have any trouble in two weeks, I have to come back.
My phone appointment was about my delivery values. I thought they were a little too high, but for now I don't have to worry about this at all. Only when this is 3x the normal value I have to worry and it's not that high. He asked me if I drink alcohol, but I haven't been drinking a drop in years. It could also be due to fatty liver and losing weight would help. However, he indicated that this is not at all a reproach on his part and quite understandably that this is not possible. Of course, I don't see this as a license to stuff myself up. I'm not now, I'm not going to. I walk, normally exercise once a week, because because of my health I am not allowed anymore and I eat healthy and I keep doing that.
I also asked for a print with my ignition value. These are always too high, but my general practitioner didn't know the answer last time and I had to discuss that with the internist, but without numbers it is of course difficult.
About the high level of inflammation, he said this could be the sarcoidosis, but my lymph nodes have shrunk. I have white strings in my lungs and my lungs have shrunk, but the pulmonologist says I'm out of sarcoidosis. But the GP said that the lymph nodes in my lungs may have shrunk, but that doesn't say anything about me being out of sarcoidosis anymore.
Sarcoidosis develops due to inflammation without an unknown cause. In these inflammations, white blood cells accumulate (granulomas) and this can occur almost anywhere in the body. It often arises in the lungs, but not always. There are also people with sarcoidosis who never have it in the lungs. However, there is an acute variant that passes on average by 3 years, like our king Willem Alexander, but also a chronic variant. For me it was detected by chance 5 years ago, but I suspect that I have been walking with it much longer.
This time did not have my own GP, but another. I definitely liked the conversation. He took plenty of time and was very nice.
@Maximus-minimus Dat had ik uit je blog begrepen. Dat het ook op andere plekken kan voorkomen en niet per definitie daar.Zal de longarts bedoelen dat je in de longen geen sarcoĂŻdose hebt... zich uitsluitend beperkt tot zijn vakgebied (logisch)?
@Ingrid Tips en meer Op basis van de lymf klieren in mijn longen niet meer opgezet zijn is hij van mening dat ik geen SarcoĂŻdose heb. Dat mijn longen krimpen en er witte slierten in zitten, daar doet hij niets mee.