“Did you light a scented candle?'
'Who so?'
'There's such a low air here.'
“It will be the effects of the press conference.'
“I was under the assumption that ventilation would be promoted, and by the way, thought you didn't want to listen in the first place.'
'The headphones to no avail, have gained so much experience with press cos that I even understand sign language.'
'Well tell. What did the deaf interpreter say?'
'The line spacing in puzzle booklets is now also one and a half meters.'
“And birth waves are strictly prohibited from tomorrow, with the exception of babies conceived in the back of a van. Crying showers are only allowed when walking under a ladder with a black cat in your arms and spaghetti should only be consumed with a sauce of mushrooms picked at night.'
“Those mushrooms should definitely be in a circle.'
'Of course, the witch circle, otherwise this story will be disqualified.'

Note: This epistle is written with key words of the November Challenge of Writing and, with its 140 words, also fits into the 140 words November challenge in which this month the word witch circle (chopped into syllables or not) should appear in this month.

Image of OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay

The ban on birth waves