Ik ben erg benieuwd naar die van jou. Je kunt hieronder plaatsen in de comments.
Hoe je erop gekomen bent ?
Waarom deze zo belangrijk voor je is ?
Een van mijn belangrijkste leefregels is bijvoorbeeld : "Niets uitstellen."
Gewoon geleerd door ervaring en omdat er veel mensen doodgaan. Mijn deadline nadert ook. Hoe je het wendt of keert. (Ik ben verder gezond hoor :)
En ik zocht naar een goed werkende manier om veel gedaan te krijgen. Veel output te hebben.
Ik zo altijd ruimte en vrijheid in mijn hoofd heb omdat alles is afgerond.
Je kunt er ook over posten. Ik heb er een leuke booster aan gekoppeld.
That's a nice question and I made a post about it right away. I actually also have 2 rules of life, positivity and respect for another. These are at least the 2 most important in my life!
Be satisfied with what you have and are allowed to receive in life. Of course there are always wishes and dreams, but I think there should always be a sense of how good you have and how you can be very satisfied with little.. Life is about health in the... Show moreBe satisfied with what you have and are allowed to receive in life. Of course there are always wishes and dreams, but I think there should always be a sense of how good you have and how you can be very satisfied with little.. Life is about health in the first place and everything else is fun but all material and for me is not the core of happiness. Happiness is in the little things that color your day. How did I get it and why is it important? I see a society around me in which one wants to buy even more than the other, cars, travel, houses, etc.. Nothing wrong with that, because if you can pay for it by working hard for it, you can also enjoy it, as long as it doesn't have to be copied because someone else does and the worst I always find that complaining. We live in a prosperous country. Just look at other countries around you, I think. Those people really have something to complain. I also teach my children to be content with little and ours are not satisfied with much because they never really knew much of expensive things and so on. And if they want more, they have to take care of it by working hard to make sure they get it. We live simple but we can save it all every month, but are always creative and think in solutions when it's not. That, too, is part of life. trial and error.
Nice question! And what a beautiful picture of your offspring! One of my rules of life is “Don't do it in doubt.” Especially in traffic, since I have known superiors who died, I am extra careful. Also “Live and let live” is of great importance to me. In th... Show more Nice question! And what a beautiful picture of your offspring! One of my rules of life is “Don't do it in doubt.” Especially in traffic, since I have known superiors who died, I am extra careful. Also “Live and let live” is of great importance to me. In this way, I will never impose and respect my faith if others believe something else, or have no faith at all. I am also open to other people's opinion, one can learn a lot from each other. After all: “Opinions can be revised, on closer inspection” (own quote).
My first rule of life is “DO WELL WITHOUT LOOKING AT WHOM” is a traditional saying in my country that has a great meaning. I instilled this into my son and students.. We have learned to be detached and help others regardless of race, religion or nationality. ... Show moreMy first rule of life is “DO WELL WITHOUT LOOKING AT WHOM” is a traditional saying in my country that has a great meaning. I instilled this into my son and students.. We have learned to be detached and help others regardless of race, religion or nationality. We know that God looks at us and rewards good deeds with health and blessings. In these times where there is so much misery and pain is when it is necessary to be humble and kind.
Nice and also interesting question. For me this is, now that I'm retiring to learn to enjoy every day and I do this with the things I love to do and love: quality time with family, writing, singing and drawing.
@Ingrid Tips en meer You are already the second (also with @Irma ) where I see a comment in English that actually shows Afrikaans as an original language. Is this a bug???
@Rudi lol, last it seemed as if a comment from me would be original German. The translation sometimes yields hilarious things. I hope not things that can be taken completely wrong. May be mistaken, but I think the Google translation is built in. So I don't think a bug.
My rule of life is... be honest and don't lie. Be satisfied with what you have and do not look at another. Look at what you can do and not at what you could. Beautiful picture you posted!!😍
@Henkjan de Krijger honestly I don't have many rules of life, or rather I have them but I don't think about them because everything I do I do it spontaneously and with conscience, I have read different opinions of others and basically we think almost all the... Show more@Henkjan de Krijger honestly I don't have many rules of life, or rather I have them but I don't think about them because everything I do I do it spontaneously and with conscience, I have read different opinions of others and basically we think almost all the same way, the human being of any race or religion prefers or desires the same things, peace, tranquility, happiness, health and everyone tries to get there by doing their best, unfortunately life is not easy and not everyone thinks the same, I believe we must have trust and be optimistic, can this be a good rule of life? I was forgetting, a good rule of life is to get along with everyone it is useless to argue but you always have to find a good solution to resolve conflicting issues, sure, you have to get along with everyone, hey guys the speech is very long and varied is I better stop here. hi everyone i'm back and there is a nice atmosphere, this is very good!
@Ingrid Tips en meer Happy to be with you again, my time is short but I will do my best to continue this path with you, I have a lot of art to show you and a lot of artistic things to tell you
@Teresa Seia thank you very much for your trust and for your consideration in me, I will do my best to spend a lot of time with you, even when you do not see me I am always present, we are in good weather, there is so much light, the best conditions to make art, I hope to do well and it will be a pleasure to share it with you!
“Accept yourself as you were designed” I read it once in a book and I've been writing it everywhere. Nowadays we compare ourselves to others so we don't think we're good enough anymore. That's why I think it's very important to remind myself and others that you're enough with the way you are and you shouldn't change yourself either..
at the top is Respect, for humans, animals and the environment, it is the only way that we can make the earth run for us humans, that conflicts are resolved, and in the small, that I can do my work for our demented fellow human beings well. In order not to give up hope, I also add positivity, desperately needed in all the misery,
good sunset leaves very good memory so an afternoon with family fills a lot of joy in a family environment I wish you q live such an afternoon so that you know to feel to see an afternoon so full of happiness luck has everyone in every day of your life luck has all
Lanterfanten in his time. Very important for mind and body. Un-have to. Getting closer to yourself, and you shine out who you want to be. I had to borrow that because in my brain there always had to be the house piccobello and be ready for others, bumping... Show moreLanterfanten in his time. Very important for mind and body. Un-have to. Getting closer to yourself, and you shine out who you want to be. I had to borrow that because in my brain there always had to be the house piccobello and be ready for others, bumping along at work. Now that I live in Hungary I can watch the week. Nice weather then that day hears a walk in my program, in bad weather a moment of reading or writing and nice lanterfanten in the sun lounger and charging energy.
What a nice question HJ. My rule of life was very long; treat others as you want to be treated. It must have been part of my Christian upbringing. This only gave too much disappointment because it was often one-sided. Have had to adjust this over the years,... Show moreWhat a nice question HJ. My rule of life was very long; treat others as you want to be treated. It must have been part of my Christian upbringing. This only gave too much disappointment because it was often one-sided. Have had to adjust this over the years, because through damage and shame a man becomes wise? For now I treat the other as the other person wants to be treated. Of course I have my inner circle for which I make an exception to this rule 😌
What is my rule of life. Enjoy and accept. Life can be so beneficial to you that you can enjoy everything. But sometimes it's not for everyone. Therefore, enjoy small things. Accept that not everything is possible. You make your own life by letting people in your life love it and sometimes you lose but you have to move on, so enjoy and accept
In life it is giving and taking. You make a good impression or a bad impression.. Live and try to enjoy every day the little things of the love you get. Not everyone is so happy and life goes fast so be happy if you're right.
The most important rule of life to me is: Always Be Kind
To me it is very important, as everybody a person encounters is fighting a battle you know nothing about. No matter your job, salary, car you drive, people you know, influence you have or station in life, always be kind. Humility and kindness costs nothing and love always wins
Dust for thought. My most important rule of life, in my opinion, is: do not judge too quickly.... Show moreDust for thought. My most important rule of life, in my opinion, is: do not judge too quickly.
I came up with it because I myself am very often the victim of people who judge too quickly, which often leads me to negative situations. It is therefore very important for me that I keep an open mind, no matter what situation, and so do not prematurely judge other people's situations, just because I know what the consequences of too rapid judgments can be.
Keep looking at possibilities and take control of your life. It is immensely tempting to linger in setbacks and troubles. Or to put responsibilities out of yourself. But the cliché is undoubtedly true: no peaks without valleys. Victory tastes all the sweeter ... Show moreKeep looking at possibilities and take control of your life. It is immensely tempting to linger in setbacks and troubles. Or to put responsibilities out of yourself. But the cliché is undoubtedly true: no peaks without valleys. Victory tastes all the sweeter when you've overcome problems.. It's oh so easy to indicate why something can't do anything, or see bears on the road and think in trouble. Ultimately, by staying positive, continuing and accepting setbacks, there is a solution for every problem and often a new challenge. With great thanks to all the sourplums and critics without whom positivism there is no fun.
Courtesy and respect are my two main rules of life. These were two important concepts in my youth. We used to show respect for the village teacher, the doctor, the priest and for the cop (police). That's where the floor is now wiped with. But has our... Show moreCourtesy and respect are my two main rules of life. These were two important concepts in my youth. We used to show respect for the village teacher, the doctor, the priest and for the cop (police). That's where the floor is now wiped with. But has our community become so much better? And no, I'm certainly not an old whiny stocking. Civility, another thing. By being polite one got respect. Now those who always keep it polite are perceived as people who cannot draw their plan and become always and everywhere.. overlooked. Those who live and show respect are often too late now...
Keep your children standing, no matter what they did to you.. That's my rule of life.. I do not get into a division between my children, they are dear to me. Where brothers or sisters do not forget each other, as a parent you are inseparable from any child.... Show moreKeep your children standing, no matter what they did to you.. That's my rule of life.. I do not get into a division between my children, they are dear to me. Where brothers or sisters do not forget each other, as a parent you are inseparable from any child. I think that no one should ever give you the choice which child you should or should not see, but also, that children should not propose that choice either to parents.
My rule of life is to live in love, it is the most powerful thing that exists, after that you will get what you want, Jesus taught us, but the world will forget to practice it. Blessings
Being yourself and walking your own path no matter what others or society impose on you. Especially in these strange times you see all too often how people are docile out of a kind of ease not having to think anything themselves. Agree that we should not... Show moreBeing yourself and walking your own path no matter what others or society impose on you. Especially in these strange times you see all too often how people are docile out of a kind of ease not having to think anything themselves. Agree that we should not question everything endlessly, but those who cannot critically look at themselves or situations should not be surprised to live or even be suppressed. I remain faithful to myself as much as possible, sometimes that's difficult, but rather difficult than being lived.
One of my main rules of life is "Live and let live", I have heard it a lot and I started to apply it. If you don't like something, ignore it. Live and let others live as long as you don't hurt anyone. Another one is "You never know what internal struggle... Show moreOne of my main rules of life is "Live and let live", I have heard it a lot and I started to apply it. If you don't like something, ignore it. Live and let others live as long as you don't hurt anyone. Another one is "You never know what internal struggle someone is going through, be kind, always"... I think it's self-explanatory, those are the main ones above all....
Well, one of the rules of life for me is Never settle for a little, this for me means that you always have to aspire to earn more and know that we deserve it, I have met people who say that since to settle for what you have And I think that one has what he deserves because he who has little has earned it, it is because he has recently
“ Who then lives, then cares” It helps me to put into perspective. Often you worry about things that you expect and eventually fail. Or things you don't have in your control. Sin of energy. It helps me enormously.
My golden rule is first God in my life and the rest will come in addition I always put my life my projects anguish worries joys longing everything in God's hands
Good question! My rule of life is always changing. One of the most important things I think: First think what you need! Because many of us have learned that we should always look at what 'everyone' wants first, and that way we don't meet our own wants and needs.
Helping animals, I did it With the help of the Community of the university of veterinary which we were able to save the lives of several animals. Which was very important to me because we gave a new life to those dogs and cats on the street.
Well, after so many years of study, I managed to finish my career as a lawyer, and that was with a lot of dedication and perseverance obtaining and saving information about my career so that I could educate well on the subject, and it is important to me... Show moreWell, after so many years of study, I managed to finish my career as a lawyer, and that was with a lot of dedication and perseverance obtaining and saving information about my career so that I could educate well on the subject, and it is important to me because it is what I am most passionate about and I want to be that lawyer who helps people in trouble in the court and be able to give its due justice.
Hello very good morning receive a cordial and fraternal greeting from me, with all the bio security measures that must be carried at this time, your publication seems very interesting I hope you continue like this, I wish you good luck and would expect to see more publications from you in yoors.
Good theme to reflect. Now that death has sat next to us, I have been thinking how valuable my life is, and what is the meaning that I give it. Sometimes we expect life to shake us to make a change, but what to wait for that moment. It is important to... Show moreGood theme to reflect. Now that death has sat next to us, I have been thinking how valuable my life is, and what is the meaning that I give it. Sometimes we expect life to shake us to make a change, but what to wait for that moment. It is important to react and take the hand of consciousness to make changes especially in our bad habits that affect our entire environment. For example, we usually complain about poverty, yet this is a result of the human heart, we now have to eradicate it, “not as a work of charity, but as an act of justice.” We must put our grain of sand.
Exactly, we have to live working for the day, and without postponing anything, but rather fulfilling everything we can, especially family departures, because we do not know when we will stop being with them, what children mothers, and fathers, and really necessary to live the day, because we do not know when we will not be
This may be a strange one because it is not necessarily a positive one, but it does ensure that. When I'm disappointed by something, feel like I'm screwed by something/someone or get angry about something, I give myself 15 minutes to get angry about it..... Show moreThis may be a strange one because it is not necessarily a positive one, but it does ensure that. When I'm disappointed by something, feel like I'm screwed by something/someone or get angry about something, I give myself 15 minutes to get angry about it.. Cooking completely in my own juice. Sit down for it, too. As soon as I do that, long before those 15 minutes are over, I notice how little I get along with being angry or goatty. That makes it very easy to look for a solution with a clear look.
In life everything has a because or a reason to be, or rules to follow. We behave according to the society in which we live, we are the ones who decide to be we are governed by the rules and value according to our point of view we act with respect and honor... Show moreIn life everything has a because or a reason to be, or rules to follow. We behave according to the society in which we live, we are the ones who decide to be we are governed by the rules and value according to our point of view we act with respect and honor according to what we learned at children's home as long as our parents have instilled values in us so if life itself is governed by an infinite number of rules
doing good always, not hurting the people who really want me family is the most important thing in this life we must live life to the fullest share as much as we can with our loved ones give love respect and consideration my daughter is my light of every day
On the journey along the way of life we realize the value of things. In my case I always bear in my mind that in order to have success we must be good children, and I always say “God helps the good child,” which means that we should not abandon our parents, always take care of them and God will reward us with his blessings.
One always has his ideal, everyone who is inclined for his own, in my case I always carry in my mind, “THE GOOD SON GOD HELPS HIM” which means to me: Never abandon your parents and God always helps you.
Having rules or limits in our lives is important because it helps us not to make so many mistakes . My rules of life were placed year after year blow after blow and fall after fall and I have good clearance so as not to stumble twice with the same stone one... Show moreHaving rules or limits in our lives is important because it helps us not to make so many mistakes . My rules of life were placed year after year blow after blow and fall after fall and I have good clearance so as not to stumble twice with the same stone one of them and the most important I would say is that God is first in everything I do consult God if this which I live is part of his plan for me because his plans are better than mine . It's important to me and I have it as a rule .
Always, listen to me, well, no. Read me, you must always do what you are passionate about, always make love to those dreams that you have every day. You are the beginning and you are the end, so meet each of your goals, nobody will do it for you, luck and success for you
What a nice question! Being honest is one of the most. I try to do this as best I can. I can't always do that,. Often I keep quiet and am not honest with myself. Honest to others will succeed even... Show moreWhat a nice question! Being honest is one of the most. I try to do this as best I can. I can't always do that,. Often I keep quiet and am not honest with myself. Honest to others will succeed even easier.
What's also important... look at what you have and not what you miss.
Life can be short, I've seen from my own experience so do what makes you happy.
Gee, my most important rule of life is not that simple @Henkjan de Krijger and how I came up with it is not so easy to explain... Show moreGee, my most important rule of life is not that simple @Henkjan de Krijger and how I came up with it is not so easy to explain either..
But why it's so important to me I can tell you.
Comes tie:
“My most important rule of life is to LEARN live according to His word.”
Responsibility, no doubt that is my main rule and I try to teach my children, being responsible opens doors and allows you to achieve goals. This is why it's important: it makes you a good and reliable person before others, and keeps you together with your family.
Never thought, silent, not expected and yet received. When I was a kid, I'd love to have a little pony baby in such a pretty crib, but we never had it wide, and I knew that toy was expensive, so don't talk about it.. So I remember as yesterday how... Show moreNever thought, silent, not expected and yet received. When I was a kid, I'd love to have a little pony baby in such a pretty crib, but we never had it wide, and I knew that toy was expensive, so don't talk about it.. So I remember as yesterday how overwhelmed I was when I got exactly that horse on my birthday! And I never forgot. And there were more things later that I thought, if only I. Most of those things came to me sooner or later. Sometimes simply in a thrift shop or something. Only the million not yet, but who knows, I'm patient!
The most important thing for me is the family to support us when we need each other.
As a motto I choose to think that all the people I know have a space in my family every one of my friends is welcome in my home, the doors of my home are always open to anyone who wants to enter.
One of the rules of life is said: “What happens is the only thing that could have happened.”. Nothing, absolutely nothing that happens to us in our lives could have been otherwise.
There are situations in life that are inevitable, such as the death or loss of a loved one. In short life is very beautiful you just have to know how to live it.
The most important thing is that you do what you like, no matter what others say about You and the rule is Live life at maximum minute by minute, learn to value the opinions of others, the good accept it, the bad discard it, live life to the maximum, greetings from venezuela 😁
Hello greetings and very good afternoon very good publication by the way in a sense the question is very but very variable everything in the end and after all is a question of your own Morales values if they ask me personally I think positivity to adversities is the most important thing
“If you can look yourself in the mirror right in the eye then it's okay and then the rest (opinions or comments of environment/others/society) is not important”. By that I mean that if your choices are considered and well thought out, they are always good and... Show more“If you can look yourself in the mirror right in the eye then it's okay and then the rest (opinions or comments of environment/others/society) is not important”. By that I mean that if your choices are considered and well thought out, they are always good and then you just have to follow your own path and stick to your own core. I must point out that this does not mean that this selfish or egocentric behavior justifies.
My rule of life is: follow your dreams to the fullest or you will regret.
You just have to do what you've always dreamed of. Create your own life without letting anyone else shape it. That's the only way you can be happy. Life is a painting and only you have the brush in your hands:)
My rules of life are basically 2, first of all it is a matter of decision, the good, the bad, that moment we must identify it and know that we should handle the consequences from that, the other is to trust ourselves, our capabilities; if we trust ourselves as we do with others I am sure that the reality of many, would be another.
Hello good morning this is very well your rule of life, but my rule is do not give up, nothing is impossible and everything that you spread is possible while you put a lot of effort and effort will be achieved. Each person has to set a goal and until you do not achieve it, he won't give up.
Hello very good morning check a cordial greeting and fraternal from me, with all the bio security measures that must be carried at this time, your publication seems very interesting I hope you continue like this, I wish you good luck and I would expect to see more publications from you in yoors.
My rule is always be nice and be there for people when ask help. Never take something what's not yours.always care about people you love. Forgive those who hurted you, because you deserve to live in peace. Always cook with love.Don't reject people who beg you for help to get some food.
nothing is bigger than the sky and the sea but the constancy of the human being has allowed us to fly and sail that tells us that whenever we intend to achieve our goals and reach oars the most difficult dreams so go ahead without looking back and without regrets
My main rule of life is punctuality, I learned it from my mother and it has given me good results and especially here in Venezuela where 95% of people are not punctual. Punctuality is very important to me, because that's how I get more time with my family.
“Everything is going to be fine” I have always said that despite what we are living there is always to be positive, this worked for me always, but even in these times of pandemic, I have entered a state of resilience and in which I always liked to inspire others,
do what you want to do without doing what others want you to do. The most important thing is that you do what you like, no matter what others say about You and the rule is Live life to the maximum minute by minute go on hit greetings
The most important rule of life for me is “God turns evil for good.”. ... Show moreThe most important rule of life for me is “God turns evil for good.”.
In my life I have experienced several times how strong God was present in the valleys of my life. Time and again it turns out that the pain and sorrow are useful to encourage others.
For example, I wrote about this in one of my first blogs here on Yoors: https://yoo.rs/gods-aanwezigheid-2015-2017-1489472448.html?Ysid=9899 .
Hello greetings i hope you're super good. I find your blog excellent. The most important thing about life is to do what you like and want. As long as you're doing things right. No matter what other people say, people don't like to see others happy.
The rules of life are important if we want to maintain a lifestyle free and at peace with ourselves, we must all have our own rules of life but above all bring them to the letter, an important rule of life serious stop wanting to always have the right.
Creating happines and being happy is my biggest and simplest rule in life! I accept with grace everything what is happening to me, and I always enjoy, no matter how hard the situation is - that's my power - keep finding a shred of light in worsts life scenarios :D take a moment and click on the link if you are interested in more :D
My most important rule of life is, be strong as a butterfly. A butterfly seems so delicate, but at the same time a butterfly can reach unprecedented heights due to the power contained in the wings. Dare to show strength, dare to spread wings. Be the butterfly you want to be, be strong as a butterfly!
My main rule of serious life “Think of others before you think of yourself” rather than a saying should be a personal thought, a thought with great meaning that we must instill in our children. Teach them to be able to part with things so that we can help oth... Show moreMy main rule of serious life “Think of others before you think of yourself” rather than a saying should be a personal thought, a thought with great meaning that we must instill in our children. Teach them to be able to part with things so that we can help others Without looking at race creed or religion, in this way we will be fulfilling the second most important commandment according to the word of GOD.
I think determination is one of my main rules in life, always with a view to a clear goal, work works much better and goals are achieved. I also believe in the value of patience, the slower it progresses, the satisfaction of reaching the goal will never be less.
My only rule of life is “ZERO LIES AND 100% HONESTY” there is nothing better than always being honest with people, it is something very important for the desalloro of any relationship that you are going to have in your life be as a couple, friendship, work and even in relationships with your own family.
Good night. Greetings. Well I have several rules in my life, but there is one paramount and it is to stand firm in the face of adversities, not giving my arm to twist so easily. This has helped me a lot in my way of being, and feeling. And you don't have to prove fear.
My first rule of life is “DO WELL WITHOUT LOOKING AT WHOM” is a traditional saying in my country that has a great meaning. I instilled this into my son and students.. We have learned to be detached and help others regardless of race, religion or nationality. ... Show moreMy first rule of life is “DO WELL WITHOUT LOOKING AT WHOM” is a traditional saying in my country that has a great meaning. I instilled this into my son and students.. We have learned to be detached and help others regardless of race, religion or nationality. We know that God looks at us and rewards good deeds with health and blessings. In these times where there is so much misery and pain is when it is necessary to be humble and kind.
Life is very short we always say don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. In Venezuela it is wrong everywhere in my dear state zulia we have a lot of light rationing. A lot of water suspension we don't have telephone cable however we try to excel doing well by holding a hand
The most important thing is that you do what you like, no matter what others say about You and the rule is Live life at maximum minute by minute, learn to value the opinions of others, the good accept it, the bad discard it, live life to the maximum, greetings from venezuela
It is very important to have rules in our lives, for me one and the rules is to be able to help my neighbor, to be able to help my family, friends, co-workers or who may need, I deeply believe that who does not live to serve does not serve to live, treat your neighbor as yourself
My rule of life and is I place it recently in my wallet and is never to leave my happiness in the hands of others . Well, I learned something very valuable that I want you to think and it is something logical but that hardly anyone has noticed and is that... Show moreMy rule of life and is I place it recently in my wallet and is never to leave my happiness in the hands of others . Well, I learned something very valuable that I want you to think and it is something logical but that hardly anyone has noticed and is that happiness is not a feeling happiness is a decision I decide to be happy even if life wants to crush me I decided to be happy because I deserve it .
One of my rules is that family is first, it is a well-known phrase but it must be so we must put our family first and then holidays and other matters, family is first because we are a solid sacred circle of respect and love..
Another motto of life is get ready for the worst but always expect the best.
I don't have a real rule of life, but like everyone else I sometimes think about the meaning of life. Well, there's no sense. This is to say: the only “meaning” of life is life itself. Trying to be happy, that's programmed in every living being. And from that automatically comes the “rule of life”: Live and let live.
Hello very good morning check a cordial greeting and fraternal from me, with all the bio security measures that must be carried at this time, your publication seems very interesting I hope you continue like this, I wish you good luck and I would expect to see more publications from you in yoors.
Hello very good morning check a cordial greeting and fraternal from me, with all the bio security measures that must be carried at this time, your publication seems very interesting I hope you continue like this, I wish you good luck and I would expect to see more publications from you in yoors.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Been through way too much in my life to stay in the suits. Therefore, I remain positive under all circumstances and that helps.
What a nice theme to read and share about.... Show moreWhat a nice theme to read and share about.
One of my most important rules of life is: live in the moment and be grateful for what you have at the moment.
This did not happen by itself for me, this is a rule that I imposed on myself to be able to enjoy life more.
Life nowadays goes so bizarre fast and everything always' has to 'be better, faster and more. For that reason it is extra important to regularly reflect on the small moments of happiness and what you have at the moment (what is going well at the moment).
I have recently tried to write down 3 things every night that I am grateful for that day and this works very well for me.
1) I came up with this by experience. It feels good to me and everyone knows what to me.
No motions for the truth, even if he's still so hard.
2) It is also important for me, because then I do not have to remember, to whom I lied a little.
That gives your brain a lot of peace and space,
To me it is very important, as everybody a person encounters is fighting a battle you know nothing about. No matter your job, salary, car you drive, people you know, influence you have or station in life, always be kind. Humility and kindness costs nothing and love always wins
I came up with it because I myself am very often the victim of people who judge too quickly, which often leads me to negative situations. It is therefore very important for me that I keep an open mind, no matter what situation, and so do not prematurely judge other people's situations, just because I know what the consequences of too rapid judgments can be.
Especially in these strange times you see all too often how people are docile out of a kind of ease not having to think anything themselves. Agree that we should not... Show moreBeing yourself and walking your own path no matter what others or society impose on you.
Especially in these strange times you see all too often how people are docile out of a kind of ease not having to think anything themselves. Agree that we should not question everything endlessly, but those who cannot critically look at themselves or situations should not be surprised to live or even be suppressed. I remain faithful to myself as much as possible, sometimes that's difficult, but rather difficult than being lived.
We can do so much more than we think, but I have to remind myself of that..
What's also important... look at what you have and not what you miss.
Life can be short, I've seen from my own experience so do what makes you happy.
But why it's so important to me I can tell you.
Comes tie:
“My most important rule of life is to LEARN live according to His word.”
I wrote a song about it once, what do I say, I wrote a whole bunch about it.
Bundle: https://angelienahuis.nl/leer-mij-leven/
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIVh9-5jq0E
and you know what else is special?
Someone made a clip... just for me.
Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YynWfTptipA&t=2s
It's nice that your question now lets me share my conviction, especially anyway?
Leer mij leven - Angeliena Huis
As a motto I choose to think that all the people I know have a space in my family every one of my friends is welcome in my home, the doors of my home are always open to anyone who wants to enter.
There are situations in life that are inevitable, such as the death or loss of a loved one. In short life is very beautiful you just have to know how to live it.
You just have to do what you've always dreamed of. Create your own life without letting anyone else shape it. That's the only way you can be happy. Life is a painting and only you have the brush in your hands:)
In my life I have experienced several times how strong God was present in the valleys of my life. Time and again it turns out that the pain and sorrow are useful to encourage others.
For example, I wrote about this in one of my first blogs here on Yoors: https://yoo.rs/gods-aanwezigheid-2015-2017-1489472448.html?Ysid=9899 .
Gods aanwezigheid 2015 - 2017
Creating happines as rule of life
Another motto of life is get ready for the worst but always expect the best.
One of my most important rules of life is: live in the moment and be grateful for what you have at the moment.
This did not happen by itself for me, this is a rule that I imposed on myself to be able to enjoy life more.
Life nowadays goes so bizarre fast and everything always' has to 'be better, faster and more. For that reason it is extra important to regularly reflect on the small moments of happiness and what you have at the moment (what is going well at the moment).
I have recently tried to write down 3 things every night that I am grateful for that day and this works very well for me.